A new river bank broke at Buurfuule, Maandheere and Raqeyle villages in Jowhar, district, Middle Shabelle region according to local authorities who shared with SOHDA team in Jowhar.
People in Maandheere, Buurfuule and Raqeyle villages in Jowhar fled for their lives and belongings to a to safer places as the speed of the water is got tougher.
The breakages is still open as the village’s community leaders told SOHDA Somalia and asked for humanitarian assistance for the villagers.
It flooded to the nearby farms although the community and farmers are working very hard to close the breakages.
Finally, SOHDA calls for an urgent humanitarian assistance for the affected communities and farmers in these 3 villages Maandheere, Buurfuule and Raqeyle.